I’m delighted to have all this time

To spend with these great friends of mine.

But then, of course, it’s true

I had things I wanted to do–

But really there’s no cause to whine.

One of my good friends came up on Tuesday for work, and has been staying with me.  She’ll be here through Sunday, and she’s just an ideal houseguest.  Since she’s been here, we’ve had a girls’ night in with another one of our friends, who I’d just seen last week for our own girls’ night.  And now since my boyfriend is going to be out of town on Sunday, we’re going to have yet another girls’ night that night (which may end up being a terrible start to next week… but whatever).  And THEN I’m going out with some other friends on Monday night, and my sister comes into town on Tuesday night till Friday morning or so.  And then finally I’ll have time to myself again in two Saturdays.  This is both great and terrible.

I’m really excited to get to have so many girls’ nights in a row, and with people I don’t see all that often (which, these days, is pretty much everyone.  Why are we all so busy?), and also very excited that my sister will be here.  But geez!  I am running a 10k in (holy crap) just over a week, and I am not quite ready–somehow I need to squeeze in a few more runs next week, and I have no idea where they’ll go.  And I was hoping to get to yoga at least once a week.  Maybe my sis will want to go to yoga?